I’m Just Sayin…

Well we’ve listened to U women for thousands of years…now it’s time 2 get a man’s point of view 4 a change……….and some of U don’t want 2 hear THAT……so maybe U should just go to a different page.

No one is questioning a woman’s worth, but U have to give credit where credit is due….stop blaming a man for ALL of your faults and defects that may have been created from a past relationship or family matter…..learn 2 be more positive about who U are and who U are in love with, because the negative words out of your mouth (I’m not his type…He’s probably out there f_cking somebody else…..maybe I don’t please him…etc…) words that come out of your mouth have power to manifest what is being said…so if its all negative out of your mouth…how can there be a positive and healthy relationship? It’s ALL considered drama…BUT there is a way a man can handle it to suffice a woman…and that’s with love and patience, but when he tells U how to resolve these issues, U can’t keep throwing it back in his face as though his resolutions are worthless, when he knows the resolution is capable to work. This makes a man feel as though he failed at something he knows should work (that is part of the tearing down of a man). Also a man is not to be spoken to with disrespect or treated like a piece of sh_t….or complained 2 over and over ….remember he is not  God…he is suppose to be a representative of God…but sometimes maybe U need to complain to God yourself.

“Never satisfied” or “you just dont know how 2 be happy”… is actually a deficiency of love for what God has already given U, that U probably haven’t even recognized yet. Also it is a lack of contentment with self value…..yeah it’s nice to have all the material glitter and glam, but what if U don’t ever get it…or if it never existed, where would your happiness come from…….. REMEMBER…if U are not happy with yourself “FIRST”….how in the hell U gonna’ make someone else happy…….(Answer) —-> You’re NOT….U will probably make your partner miserable and lose him.

And I’m not talking, that all men are 100 %….but I am talking about good men. Yes some men deserve the unsatisfactoriness of a woman but there are some men who should be treated like a King in order to recognized who the Queen is.

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