The L.I.F.E

 Back on this music grind again…had too much negative noise from outer opinions and too many distractions being thrown @ me…..Now I have removed the Negative entities from my realm….I am able to focus “totally” on what my Cre8tor has blessed me with…His gift as an Artist / Producer / Writer and reuniting me with those I started out with, is a miracle within itself…but all the more confirmation with a much bigger plan than what “others” could even imagine.

message: did u know music comes from the Ether realm? …that is the closet realm to God.

Remember…don’t let any1 come N2 your life and make U lose site of your purpose…and believe me they can come disguised as something that attracts U or catches your eye 2 make U feel like U really ‘want’ them…..but do U “Need”  them…….Hell 2 the Naw!!!

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